* Indicates Required Field
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Complete the form below to request a refund for your enrollment, dorm, cafeteria, child care or other fees. You may also select to leave your credit balance on account to be used for future fees. Credit balances will be applied to any other outstanding balances prior to being refunded. Parking permit refunds need to be requested in person at a Business Services Office by returning your permit during the allowable period. Refund policies are provided in the college catalog, class schedule and on the college web site.
If fees were paid with a credit card the refund will be applied to that credit card. If paid by check or cash, a refund check will be made payable to the student and is mailed to the student’s official address on record with the college.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the college has your correct mailing address and contact information. You may update your information on Self-Service. Refunds may take up to eight weeks to process.
Please contact your respective Business Office at the following email if you have any questions:
- Fresno City College: CBO@fresnocitycollege.edu
- Reedley College: rc.bso@reedleycollege.edu
- Madera Community College and Oakhurst: businessservices@maderacollege.edu
- Clovis Community College: businessoffice@cloviscollege.edu
Please enter the following information
* FirstName :
MiddleName :
* LastName :
* StudentCollegeId :
* Date of Birth :
* Your Street Address :
* City :
* State :
* Zip :
* Phone :
Email :
Term in Question :
Classes in Question :
Refund Request For : (check all that apply)
Comments :
Reason For Refund :
Type of Request :
Request Amount :